Sep 18Liked by Stefano Miele

“One who knows how to enjoy time by themselves is a free person “ I heard this today after reading your post . Therefore seems like some one/thing is reinforcing your post . I ,like many out there are fortunate enough to choose when I want to be alone and when to be with one other person or many. I just wonder and would like to empathise with those who have neither choice. Even so I appreciate your thought provoking writing.

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Thanks Paul, I appreciate this. Yes, true - sometimes people do not have a choice. They may have no friends and may not be able to spend time alone.

Spending time alone is important to me, but sometimes I reach a point where I know that I need some social interaction.

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I've spent a large part of my life in solitude. Partly because I was afraid, partly by choice. I don't understand those who see solitude as the scarier choice.

We all have to spend time with ourselves. Trying to avoid it is futile.

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For sure Rasmus, spending time alone is very important. But we also need to make sure we are spending time with others. Social circles are very valuable and can make you feel better. It's just about striking the right balance I feel

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That’s true!

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Sep 18Liked by Stefano Miele

Lovely read. I appreciated what you wrote,

"A relationship is counter-productive if you’ve never taken the time to understand yourself. Who are you? What do you want? How can you ensure you are choosing to be friends with the right people if you’re not even a friend to yourself?"

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Hey T.J.! Thanks for reading and I'm glad you took that useful piece of information out of it.

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