Sep 8Liked by Stefano Miele

Nice essay, Stefano. It's interesting to hear about your first 100 days. Great job being consistent. A focused effort and embracing failure as part of the learning process is what it's all about. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi T.J., thanks. I thought I’d share my experience as I think there are some lessons I learned that others will appreciate. I started off with one article a week, but then went up to two per week and this made a huge difference. At the start don’t try and write perfectly, just write for volume!

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In the next 100 days I am planning to be nicer to myself. I’m going to purge my doubt. It’s tiresome, debilitating and boring. I’m going to do things, fail and realize I have everything I need to rise to the occasion.

What are your plans Stefano?

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Let’s go Rasmus!

That’s a great plan. Whenever you doubt your abilities it’s never good. You just reinforce the belief that you can’t do what you want.

Funnily enough, I’m going to do the same as you. Doing new things, learning new skills, and putting myself out of my comfort zone by trying to find clients of my own to work with.

In the next 100 days, I will no longer be working my 9-5 job. I’ve got to try and do my own thing now.

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We’ve got this.

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